
The training you need to develop leaders that improve the way work gets done.

3/25/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Effective leaders have a specific set of influence skills in style awareness and versatility. Participants will learn about the strengths and potential blind spots of their own style and that of others, and how to adjust their style to relate more comfortably with others. 



Staying Coachable

Save 10% by registering before 03/14/2025

3/28/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Leaders that sustain high levels of performance know that what got them here will not bring them to the next level. This course will help you find practical ways to make sure your leadership lasts.

Upcoming Dates:
10/22/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Conflict, Communication & Collaboration Online

Save 10% by registering before 03/18/2025

4/01/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Communicating and managing conflict are among the most important and challenging jobs of leaders. Participants will learn and practice conflict management strategies and when each of them might be appropriate. 



Employee Performance Management & Coaching Online

Save 10% by registering before 03/25/2025

4/08/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Participants are introduced to tools for carrying out on-the-job training with structured checklists and job aids. Practice setting goals, communicating clear expectations and constructive feedback. Identify causes of performance problems and learn new coaching strategies for attendance and attitude issues.  


Maximizing Team Performance Online

Save 10% by registering before 04/01/2025

4/15/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Learn what gets in the way and what fosters teamwork, and aligning people around common goals and clarifying roles among team members. Practice team processes, communication and decision-making to build an environment fostering creativity from their team. 



The Role of the Leader

Save 10% by registering before 04/03/2025

4/17/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

A leader needs to get work done through other people which requires developing skills in effective delegation. Participants will learn guidelines for effective delegation and the importance of "setting others up for success" by holding and communicating expectations for high performance.

Upcoming Dates:
5/14/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center
7/17/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Learning to See Waste Simulation.

Save 10% by registering before 04/08/2025

4/22/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Graco

Create a culture of continuous improvement and develop an army of problem solvers. Participants gain knowledge and tools required to help a critical mass of employees learn how to define value and identify and eliminate waste. 

Upcoming Dates:
8/06/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Leading People Through Change Online

Save 10% by registering before 04/08/2025

4/22/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Today’s most successful companies are those that can change quickly. Yet, overcoming people’s natural resistance to change is challenging. Gain knowldge and tools to get people to accept and move ahead with something new and different. 



Creating Process Maps

Save 10% by registering before 04/08/2025

4/22/2025 12:45 PM to 04:45 PM Graco

Mapping demonstrates how Lean thinking can reduce process timelines and improve quality and delivery to schedule. Participants will map out real processes and learn about pre and post mapping tools to add to their personal toolbox.  


Upcoming Dates:
9/03/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Root Cause Analysis

Save 10% by registering before 04/09/2025

4/23/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Graco

Participants will learn to understand the problem, the process, the people and the distinctions between the types of causes as these are stepping stones to effective root cause analysis to permanently eliminate problems from recurring.  

Upcoming Dates:
8/20/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Visual Management & 5S Improvements

Save 10% by registering before 04/09/2025

4/23/2025 12:45 PM to 04:45 PM Graco

Visual management and 5S is fundamental for creating and maintaining a highly standardized, high-performance workplace. It is a conditioning principle for continuous improvement.

Upcoming Dates:
9/17/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Standard Work

Save 10% by registering before 04/10/2025

4/24/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Graco

Standard work defines the current best work process. It is the baseline for continuous improvement and is a tool used in auditing processes. Conformance to standard work contributes to the results needed to stay competitive.

Upcoming Dates:
10/01/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Kaizen Rapid Improvement.

Save 10% by registering before 04/10/2025

4/24/2025 12:45 PM to 04:45 PM Graco

Participants will learn to how to successfully deploy rapid improvement teams. Measure what is important, gather the necessary resources, decide who does what, and set and accomplish a one-week schedule for project completion. 

Upcoming Dates:
10/15/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Leadership Style and Versatility

Save 10% by registering before 04/17/2025

5/01/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Effective leaders have a specific set of influence skills in style awareness and versatility. Participants will learn the strengths and potential blind spots of their own style and that of others, and how to adjust their style to relate more comfortably with others.  

Upcoming Dates:
5/28/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center
7/31/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Conflict, Communication and Collaboration

Save 10% by registering before 05/01/2025

5/15/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Communicating and managing conflict are among the most important and challenging jobs of leaders. Participants will learn and practice conflict management strategies and when each of them might be appropriate. 

Upcoming Dates:
6/04/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center
8/07/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Employee Performance Management and Coaching

Save 10% by registering before 05/08/2025

5/22/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Participants are introduced to tools for carrying out on-the-job training with structured checklists and job aids. Practice setting goals, communicating clear expectations and constructive feedback. Identify causes of performance problems and learn new coaching strategies for attendance and attitude issues. 

Upcoming Dates:
6/11/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center
8/14/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Maximizing Team Performance

Save 10% by registering before 05/15/2025

5/29/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Learn what gets in the way and what fosters teamwork, and aligning people around common goals and clarifying roles among team members. Practice team processes, communication and decision-making to build an environment fostering creativity from their team. 

Upcoming Dates:
6/18/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center
8/21/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Leading People Through Change

Save 10% by registering before 05/22/2025

6/05/2025 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Today’s most successful companies are those that can change quickly. Yet, overcoming people’s natural resistance to change is challenging. If your job or assignment involves getting people to accept and move ahead with something new and different, this workshop is for you.

Upcoming Dates:
6/25/2025 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM  - Golden Valley Training Center

Creating Process Maps Online

Save 10% by registering before 07/08/2025

7/22/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Mapping demonstrates how Lean thinking can reduce process timelines and improve quality and delivery to schedule. In this session, participants will map out real processes and learn about pre and post mapping tools to add to their personal toolbox.  



Root Cause Analysis Online

Save 10% by registering before 07/15/2025

7/29/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Participants will learn to understand the problem, the process, the people and the distinctions between the types of causes as these are stepping stones to effective root cause analysis to permanently eliminate problems from recurring.  




Visual Management & 5S Improvements Online

Save 10% by registering before 07/22/2025

8/05/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Visual management and 5S is fundamental for creating and maintaining a highly standardized, high-performance workplace. It is a conditioning principle for continuous improvement.


Standard Work Online

Save 10% by registering before 07/29/2025

8/12/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Standard work defines the current best work process. It is the baseline for continuous improvement and is a tool used in auditing processes. Conformance to standard work contributes to the results needed to stay competitive.


Kaizen Rapid Improvement Online

Save 10% by registering before 08/05/2025

8/19/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Live Online via Zoom

Participants will learn to how to successfully deploy rapid improvement teams. Measure what is important, gather the necessary resources, decide who does what, and set and accomplish a one-week schedule for project completion. 



Strategy, Scorecards and Accountability

Save 10% by registering before 08/27/2025

9/10/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Leaders that know what is at stake give their team a reason to get results and don’t worry about putting posters on a wall. This workshop helps attendees develop priorities that have resources, scorecards that provide feedback, and accountability to reach commitments.

This workshop will help you address these leadership challenges:

  • You need to lead your team without just telling people what to do
  • You don’t know how to drive higher levels of engagement and reduce turnover
  • You’re not sure how to build rapport with a diverse workforce



Mastering Crucial Conversations & Communication

Save 10% by registering before 09/10/2025

9/24/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Leaders increase their effectiveness and serve as an example for others by being transparent, direct and collaborative. This workshop will help ground your communication in empathy and develop leadership presence.


Leading Organizational Change

Save 10% by registering before 09/24/2025

10/08/2025 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM Golden Valley Training Center

Leaders that move the business forward first need to understand the current state of the business, team dynamics, and process flow. This course will help you lead the type of change that will connect silos, remove tunnel vision and improve the way work gets done.
